
Clear Day Detection

This algorithm estimates the clear days in a data set two ways and then combines the estimates for the final estimations. The first estimate is based on the “smoothness” of each daily power signal. The second estimate is based on the seasonally adjusted daily energy output of the system.

import numpy as np
from solardatatools.clear_day_detection import find_clear_days
from solardatatools.data_transforms import make_2d
from solardatatools.dataio import get_pvdaq_data

pv_system_data = get_pvdaq_data(sysid=35, api_key='DEMO_KEY', year=[2011, 2012, 2013])

power_signals_d = make_2d(pv_system_data, key='dc_power')

clear_days = find_clear_days(power_signals_d)

Time Shift Detection and Fixing

This algorithm determines if the time stamps provided with the data have “shifted” at any point and then corrects the shift if found. These shifts can often be caused by incorrect handling of daylight savings time, but can come from other sources as well.

from solardatatools.data_transforms import fix_time_shifts, make_2d
from solardatatools.dataio import get_pvdaq_data
from solardatatools.plotting import plot_2d

pv_system_data = get_pvdaq_data(sysid=1199, year=[2015, 2016, 2017], api_key='DEMO_KEY')

power_signals_d = make_2d(pv_system_data, key='dc_power')

fixed_power_signals_d, time_shift_days_indices_ixs = fix_time_shifts(
    power_signals_d, return_ixs=True)